The web site of Vas

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strata 5 years ago

I wish our idiot country — which is coincidentally driven by 70 year olds — would have less influence in the EU.

vas 5 years ago

Methinks you need some yellow vesting.

joppiesaus 5 years ago

There are few political things I get so frustrated about. Normally it's roughly like: "on this side, but on the other side, so both sides have a point, so which one is the best" but this time "on this side we have a lot of drawbacks, but on the other side... what's on the other side? what, there is nothing?! AAAAA".

strata 5 years ago

@vas: will never ever happen here.

1 like
vas 5 years ago

now plays better with some rss feed aggregators that don't support items without titles

Hot take: neocities needs fewer social "features" and more static files. If I wanted to socialise I'd use Espionagebook.
yudosai 6 years ago

What's Espionagebook?

vas 6 years ago

Mark Zuckerberg's company.

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The UN is trying to ban lolis again, and this time they want books, as in literature banned. I have already emailed my objections. You can find the draft guidelines and the way to email your comments here:
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vas 6 years ago

As usual this effort has been spearheaded by the femistasi and hasn't consulted with researchers on paedophilic disorder. Feminism is cancer.

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vas 6 years ago

The juicy shit is at paragraph 61 btw.

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Calling all neocities bloggers currently feeling alienated: vow to have 1 update / week going forward for 2019. Could be an article, could be a microblog. There cannot be new content to browse and discuss if you don't create it. I had a slow start but I'll do my best with my reviews and the occasional tech post. Spend less time giving your attention to instawhores and more time creating content.
vas 6 years ago

You may think this is hard but you could be reviewing and rating porn films for all I care. I swear to God if anyone starts writing artisanal comparative analyses of different stars' rectal twitches on the regular I'd smack that like button harder than Mandingo smacks cervixes.

joppiesaus 6 years ago

hi vas unrelated but I think your vocabulary is amazing

vas 6 years ago

Thanks joppiesaus it's the result of years of writing about goddesses cute little girls.


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CreatedApr 16, 2016
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