The web site of Vas

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vas 5 years ago


strata 5 years ago

Thanks for these kinds of very relatable articles. Stuff like WebAssembly circlejerking makes me realise every other week again that web developers have to be the most retarded species on Eath.

mariteaux 5 years ago

Goddamn I wanna write like you.

strata 5 years ago

I get to hear that quite often.

vas 5 years ago

Never would have thought anyone would want to emulate me lol.

strata 5 years ago

I actually have to second mariteaux, it would be great to write as you do.

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TFW not posting KYS bombs but new people still follow. I don't know if you're here for the Hollywood bashing shit or the incel pedo weeb shit, but rest assured I'll give you all the Hollywood bashing incelibate pedophilia your heart desires.
strata 5 years ago

I am here for the Macron-memery and SV bashing shit.

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vas 5 years ago

SV bashing and politics will be rarer now cause I think these people are too scummy to deserve my time.

mariteaux 5 years ago

I follow because I also have vaguely mean reviews on my site. Unfortunately, not a weeb.

The only Greek party that voted against articles 11&13 reliably was Golden Dawn, aka the Nazis. Top kek. Greek politicians officially worse than the Nazis. If I could turn them all into soap I'd take a bath 5 times a day. #killallpoliticians
strata 5 years ago

Fortunately, you can trust Germany's Left Party (DIE LINKE) on internet matters: They still suck, but less than the other parties.

vas 5 years ago

Good. This is a warning to all left-wing parties in Europe: oppose articles 11&13, or I will vote for anyone who will. If my only option is Hitler himself, I will vote Hitler.

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mariteaux 5 years ago

Of course you'd vote Hitler, you already sound like him.

strata 5 years ago

You're saying this as if it is a bad thing.

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vas 5 years ago

If believing in human rights is nazism in 2018 then I'll proudly be the biggest nazi in the world. #noshame #gaschambersforfascists

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mariteaux 5 years ago

Well I was referring to the semi-ironic calls for the genocide of politicians and so-called "fascists" but alright fam

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vas 5 years ago

It isn't genocide when slaves kill their masters. Liberty or death! Vive la France!

joppiesaus 5 years ago

In the Netherlands only the CDA(big christian party which likes family & values) and one rogue voted in favor. They were probably like "sorry this is a christian server so no i can't make up a good joke from this sorry" source:

temperamental 5 years ago

i'm wondering how it will look in poland but they tried to censor intenet before anyway

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owltech 5 years ago

In UK we had UKIP (UK Independence Party) vote against art. 11&13 which are, again the most right leaning party. Because at the time only the right wing seems to care about free speech

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Alright I figured out why commenting is so weird for me. See here and here . I think it's from when strata and I were following tumblr edgelords but they didn't like us, and I guess I got blocked twice. Sorry! XD
vas 5 years ago

IMO this is a bit naïve in that it's trivial to abuse by vindictive cliques, but to be fair it works okay for a small, well-behaved community. I think these kinds of blacklists are only actually workable if they're maintained manually by humans.

strata 5 years ago

What the hell! Two blocks are enough to remove you from global commenting?

strata 5 years ago

For fuck's sake.

vas 5 years ago

I'll try keeping the site on topic, so reviews / analysis / effort posts. Being /r/mgtow lite was fun I guess but it isn't the vision I had for the site, and also the scumbag politicians/activists/journobloggers I wanna genocide are so scummy they aren't even worth talking about. Again, if there was an article I pulled down but you really liked I'll consider reupping it.

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vas 5 years ago

Also enjoy the spoiler-full Westworld review.

vas 5 years ago

Also2 don't take the 🍆 warning for AO3 lightly. If you don't know what 🍆 means, well, I guess all of us were pure an innocent as children.

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