Cave Part 2

704 updates
0 tips
lesson learned, "< font/>" is an actual thing you can do in the neocities status bar. Lesson not-learned, accidentally deleting things when I try to reply with something funny
10kb 7 years ago

it's okay kato you can send me your reply in an unmarked brown envelope.

1 like
Legally changing my name to "Blacktea Blackteaovich"
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10kb 8 years ago

did you include my vote in the poll? i think there was a major miscount

silvercruiser 8 years ago

I did via a throwaway twitter account, but even then compared to (christ 400?) 483 other people there was still a victor!

10kb 8 years ago

hmmm fascinating but i never recalled green tea being at least 3% worse than black tea, so i'm seriously concerned about the methodology of your results, because i believe firmly that it is at least 3% better than black tea

This site's so good!!! keep it up, i love the Aesthetique™
silvercruiser 8 years ago

enigmatic UI update/Art Dump combo

That's the homepage taken care of! I'd say I'm sorry about the autoplay, but I am very much not sorry about the autoplay
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jeremyredhead 8 years ago

I love the autoplay! :)

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strata 8 years ago

That's some great background music!

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silvercruiser 8 years ago

thank you!!! vintage Röyksopp is the greatest i m o

strata 8 years ago

woah, this is Röyksopp? I just have their hauntingly beautiful debut album and wouldn't say this track is on there.

silvercruiser 8 years ago

Yea, its a rare B-side from 2002 i think (the song name in particular is Flax). I'm planning on adding a big ol' tracklist page moderately soon, so i'll have the link for you then

Tattletail, That's Me!!
signalsolonset 8 years ago

Momma's  looking  after  you.

Spring Brenk has begun!!!! I've been meaning to give the index + the draws page an update so let's work on those real soon
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10kb 8 years ago

Firmly upvoting.

1 like
silvercruiser 8 years ago

Firmly replying!

Website Stats

Last updated 7 years ago
CreatedDec 7, 2016
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cute art music