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being trans—at least in my experience—means loving oneself & one's world to such an extent that one would rather be hated by all the world than convert. i think this is what the contemporary trans community has in common with the early Christians
melchi0r 2 years ago

sorry, i'm kinda rambling rn and my thoughts aren't very cohesive. i think i am going to go to bed now

maxwellmacarthur 2 years ago

I’m not trans, I’m gay, and I wholeheartedly agree. It took me a very long time, but finally I’ve recently come to actually like the fact that I’m gay after years and years of wishing I wasn’t, and then accepting it with neutrality. I’m 26 now and only maybe a year ago did I come to the place where I wouldn’t change things given the opportunity.

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maxwellmacarthur 2 years ago

The early Christians, the christians living under Tokugawa Ieyasu, many Muslims in the world today, pretty much any religious person in North Korea, all love their god enough that all the hate in the world couldn’t sway them and that’s a beautiful thing. I love my god as much too, but I finally also love myself enough to say the same.

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maxwellmacarthur 2 years ago

Thank you for talking about this I think it’s important for people who aren’t in that place yet. And sorry for rambling myself lol

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