
5,389 updates
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Welcome back Liz! I hope you are holding up well
lizonline 4 months ago

Thank you kindly! I'm doing well and I hope that you are too.

There are??? 50 of you?? Hello everyone TToTT welcome to my little space. I'm glad you've (presumably) enjoyed yourself πŸ’žπŸ’ž
vivarism 4 months ago

Would love to see your fanfic spreadsheets tbh. You can learn so much about someone (i.e. yourself) from what they read for pleasure...

1 like
vivarism 4 months ago

Welcome back Liz!!!! So happy to see you again... I hope you're doing a bit better today. I'm wishing for a better tomorrow for you, too

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lizonline 4 months ago

@vivarism Thank you for your kind words!! It's lovely to see you again too. Returning your good days and tomorrows! Thank you for your kindness

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lizonline 6 months ago

Didn't consider that this would make my thumbnail into Shinji. Oops!

I adore all the colors and patterrns on your site. They're distinct and cohesive, you have a great eye
jeith 6 months ago

thank you so much! it took a lot of trial and error :P your site's super cool too, especially the music page! i love magnus palsson, VVVVVV is the best :)

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cloverbell 6 months ago

you finished it!!!! I read it yesterday when you gave me a sneak peak and sasodei has been on my mind ever since... I enjoyed reading your personal interpretations and headcanons for them too... your taste is so immaculate... "What a pretty puppet he'd make" (chefs kiss)

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lizonline 6 months ago

@cloverbell, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I'm trying to come up with something witty to say but I keep falling short, so just know that I am sending psychic fangirl squeeeing in your direction β™‘c(TToTT)

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angeleyesprings 6 months ago

Omg how awesome to see your takes on the ship on your site! β€οΈπŸ’›

1 like
lizonline 6 months ago

@angeleyesprings, haha, thank you!! I copied some of my takes from an email to you! Speaking of which, I'll try to get back to you in the next few days! I've been a bit burnt out

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angeleyesprings 6 months ago

That's okay! hope you recover from your burnout <3

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I'm not sure if joining another webring is something that interests you, but the yume ring sounds right up your ally!
vivarism 6 months ago

aww thank you so much for thinking of me!! i actually applied yesterday! just wait til the admin adds me, my tiny 50x50 sans icon is sooooo cute

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lizonline 6 months ago

Ahhh can't wait!! ^_^

1 like
First incarnation of /tools page is up ^_^ hopefully my resources help someone
lizonline 6 months ago

Oh! And feel free to tell me if you're running into problems/things that don't look right.

vivarism 6 months ago

It always sucks when you lose your work... but it looks like you pushed through and brought your repository into the light!!! I'm excited to see how it goes. The isotope filtering thing seems real complicated tooβ€” props for making it work!

1 like
lizonline 6 months ago

Thank you so much, Flonne!!

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CreatedDec 7, 2023
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