
335 updates
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Actually ended up uploading the new homepage but it's not showing up in my activity feed oops lol. I decided to update NOW bc I suddenly got 2 more followers and realized I'm on a list of VKei websites and got self conscious of my shitty old coding LOL. I'll start updating pages soon I promise!
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Hi I'm updating things bc it's been a year and I haven't touched this site oops! I'm removing the vent page bc I want this site to focus more on VKei than my depression LMAO. I'm working on a new home page right now and it should be up in a day or two.
btw i officially moved the jrock webring over to my main account @ onlywonder. I emailed everyone about it!
I just got SID's OUTSIDER album on CD in the mail :) It's the special B edition~! It was supposed to be my christmas present to myself but it was very very late cuz it got lost in the mail lol
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Sorry for being MIA for so long! Life's been busy and only getting busier orz. The library I work at flooded this past week so things are going to be Hectic and I will have No Routine (and my poor little autistic brain prefers a set routine). I'm gonna do some quick updates today and then I'll probably be missing for awhile again 😅
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webgore 2 years ago

take your time!! hope everything will be okay :D

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Last updated 11 months ago
CreatedSep 1, 2022
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vkei visualkei jrock vent