Galore Entertainment

2,734 updates
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i hope you all don't mind if i start some sort of blog on here. i think it's mainly just going to be me ranting about things though cuz i got some topics written down that i'd like to talk about.
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okglass 3 years ago

oh my GOD i am listening to Keyboard and Plastic Duck and this is amazing. and their website has RECIPES???

okglass 3 years ago

"over on the other side • my mother was examining • the dust on the banister, and looking for a rag • my sister's Pomeranian • was barking at the T.V. • come over here and bark into the mic, said FRED"

okay i changed the colors a bit. i hope you like the new pattern on the side :o)
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i kinda want to change the colors of my site. i'll keep it in the range of purples, pinks, and blues, but i'd just improve them a little bit so they look better. thank you followers for reading :o)
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galore 3 years ago

okay this is much harder than i remember. i just made a new pattern but that one was quite simple. having so much trouble thinking of something new. i dont like the people on the side anymore ...... sorry, people on the side.

galore 3 years ago

i added a page for steve!!!! whoooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! go steve! great representation for all the manlets out there!

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedMar 11, 2019
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music cartoons art toys