My Public Book of Shadows

3,712 updates
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WHATS NEW: added to the astrology and divination pages, started making long entries easier to read with hyperlinks, and added a bunch of rituals and such. WHATS TO COME: though the table of contents might be my greatest coding achievement to date, I really don't like it anymore and the font is smaller than I expected, so I'll change that eventually (I don't know what I'm gonna replace it with at the moment).
PAGE UPDATES: - overhauling the design. Some links are still a little funky. Sorry about that! - making the tables fit better or just replacing them with graphics - added the research notes section, but I haven't had any time to add to it --- WHATS TO COME: - updates to the divination section - adding zodiac information pages - page surprises :) Check back soon! I'm always updating my little passion project <3

Website Stats

Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedNov 20, 2021
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occult witchcraft reference religion paganism