My Public Book of Shadows

3,754 updates
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Okay...I think I have all the mobile formatting issues solved for my existing pages...which means it's time for more! I'll be adding new information today, so check back later to see what's new! Just like last time, please let me know if a page isn't mobile-friendly. I check when I can, but I can always miss something.
Damn. I wanted to make my website movile-friendly by default but I learned that a lot of my pages are not actually mobile friendly. I'm fixing these bugs now, however feel free to let me know if any of my future pages are wonky on mobile! I try to avoid any side-to-side scrolling just because I don't like doing that on mobile. Stay toasty, my friends.
It's still pretty bare, but I've added a Ko-Fi link! If you choose to support me, great! If not, that's okay too! I'll be making graphics for that page as well as my new Supporters page here. Absolutely no pressure or obligation to donate, don't worry. Just reading my site helps me keep my motivation for this passion project up <3
whoaa it's nice how you have a lot of content in your book of shadows!! it's a rlly great reference and the amount of notes you have!! :00
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funch 3 years ago

Thank you! I'm so glad

Hello, new followers! Everyone is welcome to my site! I'm updating this almost daily and have been for the past few months. I usually announce any changes before I make them. This site is part passion project, part art experiment, and part testing my html memory to the max. Thanks, y'all! :)

Website Stats

Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedNov 20, 2021
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reference paganism religion witchcraft occult