Around the pupil | Iris' home on the web

1,103 updates
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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand updated for today. The menu should work well enough on both mobile and desktop n_n
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aroundthepupil 2 years ago

:/ For some reason Neocities is not showing an update on the feed. That's weird.

aroundthepupil 2 years ago

Oh, ok, it merges update posts from 24 hours. So it has merged with yesterday's update :/ Welp, I guess that's ok.

goblin-heart 2 years ago

Love and agree with this so much! Working on my own thoughts about the importance of political activism as well :)

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Best way ever to turn a paper into a web. Amazing work!
Some DNS / CDN servers are failing and half of the "commercial" internet is going down. I feel so happy to have my "important" content here, and a simple backup that I could easily move somewhere else... DECENTRALIZE INTERNET NOW
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Acabo de hacer un botón para mi página. No es el más impresionante que se haya visto nunca, pero bueno, algo es algo :P
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marea 2 years ago

esta re piola!! en el proximo update lo cambio :)

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aroundthepupil 2 years ago

Just added a button. I'll probably make an animated one someday, but better this than nothing n_n

I'm smiling like an idiot looking at your matchbox and thinking that I've inspired someone a bit ♥♥♥ And your page is amazing... Thanks for the link, I'll try to make a button soon 😊
marea 2 years ago

aaaa gracias, es que me encantó la idea!! también me diste ganas de tener traducciones en el sitio, la verdad que me quedé pensando bastante en eso ayer y otras cosas por esa onda que no vienen al caso sobre identidad y globalización y bla bla bla, asi que gracias por ponerme la cabeza a laburar a las 2 de la mañana jeje

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedJul 29, 2016
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trans lgbt personal blog