Around the pupil | Iris' home on the web

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I'm super proud of the animated svg in the background. I have written it by hand, I didn't knew it was possible xD
geouniversal 1 week ago

ive been playong with svg for a while now buyhavent made my own shapes and animations! this is great and inspiring, im proud too!

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aroundthepupil 1 week ago

I'm happy to have inspired you a little ^_^ I mean, your page is awesome! And you have kinda reminded me that I really need more content, and not just cool design xD

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aroundthepupil 7 months ago

A new era, a blank canvas! I hope that I'll get to use more this blog having a semiautomated build script (blag). And I still have to recover some of the old things in the old site

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedJul 29, 2016
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