also i thought i heard my front door open and locked myself in my room until i forgot
You fool! That's a federal agent trying to spy on you, now ((((she)))) knows all of your personal information. She may be in love with you, hell, you may not have to say "fuck the feds" to fuck the fed, but still you're now forever being tracked uWu.
My question is how tf they believe you're a woman rather than a man, this is the internet I presume everyone is a man rather than a woman.
debating whether i should be a pussy and delete this
Femboy look, what's ur height? I'm 5'5", so I'm pretty short, but I actually don't have a femboyish appearance surprisingly (more country-redneck than anything, plus a neckbeard that I got AFTER I quit moderating Discord+Reddit groups, ironically).
im fuckin 5' man
also im not surprised you used to mod those... *shudders* things
im 5'5'' too lol @dc-blog
@andyssite bro is a shortchad. Also i find it funny how my submissiveness+stereotypical Discord/Reddit mod stuff started after I stopped moderating them, although I'm a stick rather than a fatass. My dominance is stronger these days, but a cute empress could still tie me up and beat me without resistance tbh. On a more sane note, due to 10 comment limit, further conversation should be done on email ( = me)
I'm 5'7 and it isn't any easier for me
6'2" you do not want to be any taller, just trust me.