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Thanks to the LA wildfires, it took 3 weeks for my film to make it to the lab, so these have been a long time coming. I have a nice stash of digital photos I've taken in the meantime that I'll put up in a week or so.
amazing work!
Lovin' these! The middle ground between "I take artistic pforessional photos" and "Grug See Thing, Grug Point Camera, Grug Press Button" is just my cup of tea. Though that's just the way I see it, sorry if you identify your work differently.
I think you hit the nail on the head for what I'm going for. I do put a bit of thought into my composition, but I don't want to overdo it. I try to straddle the line between candid and artistic, and I leave in the imperfections. "Professional" photos look fake to me...