sprite's workshop ❤️

9,881 updates
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i need someones helpp.. idk how to base my site around my interests without spending way too much time studying the thing im basing it around lollll.... agughhghh please someone helpp
started writing neocities userstyles just for fun not that long ago i added icons to the like and comment buttons n stuff and gave myself my own pfp along with some other changes
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ripooof 3 months ago

i accidentally fixed a visual bug with website profiles where the shadow clips omg....

ripooof 3 months ago

try it for yourself LOLL: .files, .files * { overflow: visible !important; }

i wrote code that gets my real age (it can also round down decimals), anyone is allowed to edit and change the source code!! -->
blackmagegaming 3 months ago

Does it get updated with each day? Or per second with nanotime or something.

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ripooof 3 months ago

@blackmagegaming yes it gets the current date and does the math with the birthday it will update on refresh

Website Stats

Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedMar 8, 2021
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