Retro Games Radpage by MSX_POCKY

923 updates
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Bought a new PowerMac that should be able to run Mac OS 8 \o/ It still has to be shipped to me so I don't have it yet but expect more Mac content soon as a result
Next update's here covering James Pond 2: Codename Robocod on the Mega Drive:
Another update here covering El Viento on Mega Drive:
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Review of Streets of Rage for Mega Drive is here:
jaggiescrapper 1 month ago

Very nice review. One thing about beat em up is it was meant to play with a friend. With another player, the genre is much more enjoyable as you help each other clear the stage

While I figure out what I'm doing moving forward, some questions for feedback on the site. 1: What part of the site is most interesting to you? 2: What kind of platforms would you like to see games covered on? and 3: how would you feel about occasional modern game coverage on the site? I don't play many modern games tbh but i've been playing them more lately (mainly indie) thanks to upgrading my main pc recently
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radpage 2 months ago

i'm of course always going to cover what interests me the most in the moment (i want this site to be passionate) and i very much intend to keep mac reviews something of a main feature since it's a side of retro gaming very underrepresented on the internet, but all feedback is appreciated and will be kept in mind

miela583 2 months ago

I think your Mac reviews are super interesting- it's not an aspect of gaming I know a lot about, so it's pretty rare that I know anything about the games you write about. Modern game coverage is cool, too, though. It's fun overall to come on Neocities and see what everyone is playing, so that would be a neat plus, too. Either way, your writing is engaging, so it would be fun to read.

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pixelglade 2 months ago

I think your navigation panel should put your blog/reviews at the top of the list with your socials somewhere else. People expect site navigation to take them to other parts of the site not off site to Neocities or elsewhere. Your unique content like reviews should come first.

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pixelglade 2 months ago

If you could break up your reviews with headings it would make the reviews easier to follow as well. The photos are a good addition. I prefer retro hardware and games in terms of content but some modern games might be nice too

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Just giving a brief "I'm not dead" type update. A LOT of shifts in my life lately uprooted my schedule and distracted me from working on the site. I'm moving house in about a month so there's still more IRL priorities, but I want to pick up making more web content soon! Possibly cover things on other systems too (PC Engine maybe? Or possibly even just games I play on my main computer that runs Linux Mint)
its cool to meet someone who likes retro gaming... nice collection you got there and good job on those reviews. added your button also
radpage 5 months ago

Thank you very much! Will add your button too next update. Love this kind of databasing on fighting game characters, really fun to browse

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedFeb 27, 2023
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videogames retrogames reviews pcgaming mobilefriendly