Retro Games Radpage by MSX_POCKY

1,250 updates
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Incredible site! We share a lot of common ground. I actually just started rewatching Cardcaptor Sakura last night and vibe with a lot of what you said about gender and such. Also genuinely shocked to meet another Mac game collector here!
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wishesforfishes 1 year ago

I just had to follow someone who was into old mac stuff. If you wanna check out something really unique, go give Alice: An Interactive Museum, and also Gadget a look. Both are Myst before Myst, and both are super strange. Some of the rarer games in my collection.

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radpage 1 year ago

Will be sure to add them to my backlog! There's a few other of that style of surreal first-person early-pre-rendered adventure game I want to get to as well. Is it okay for me to add your site's 8831 button to my site? Trying to build up a selection of buttons of mutual sites.

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wishesforfishes 1 year ago

You can 100% add my button to your site! May I add yours?

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radpage 1 year ago

You're absolutely more than welcome to add mine!

New review of pop-pop for Mac is here!
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p7uen 1 year ago

I would have thought I'd seen all the variants by now but this looks like fun.

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Just made a button for Radpage which I've put at the bottom of the left sidebar. If you're a mutual with a button you want me to add, please let me know, and you're welcome to add my own button to your sites too!
p7uen 1 year ago

Hi MSX_POCKY I love the site, I've added your button to my about page, my button is on there too if you want to add back. I am a pinball enthusiast and thought I'd seen them all but as Mac is a blind spot in my history your LittleWing reviews were a great read, thanks!

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radpage 1 year ago

Thank you p7uen, added your button too. I read your page on Yoda Stories the other day when following your page and really enjoyed it, I've recently been exploring more of the Star Wars game library (playing Dark Forces atm) so enjoyed seeing an overlooked one get some love!

radpage 1 year ago

I'm trying a somewhat different approach to screenshots here, cropped screenshots which you can click on to see the full image, hopefully resulting in less spaced out text while still having a good amount of visual aid for what I'm describing. Let me know if it works well!

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New update planned this weekend! Apologies it's been a while, Heroes of Might and Magic 2 took an extra week for me to finish up. Review of HoMM2 is next!

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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedFeb 27, 2023
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