Preternatural and Other Stories

1,028 updates
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preternaturality 1 year ago

Okay. That was weird. I was having—ironically—a bug where Bug wasn't accessible. At least, not on the default theme. Let me know if any other pages are being persnickety for anyone; and try the /a/ version (or the / if the /a/ is what's broken) in the meantime. Also since I have now broken my radio silence anyways, I guess it's time to note the end of the update schedule, I was putting that off for... some reason.

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preternaturality 1 year ago

...Huh. Well, I updated the index page (and the /a/ version). I checked the editor, it's updated. I cleared my cache and tried other browsers, still saw the old version, cleared my cache in the editor, the new version was still there. I'm not sure what's going on there, but I am going to admit defeat and wait for it to fix itself, I guess.

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Last updated 8 months ago
CreatedOct 10, 2019
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sciencefiction fiction fantasy writing music