
421 updates
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I love the idea of writing your own man page! Where can I obtain a copy of KLAEX( 7 ) that is compatible with mandoc?
klaex 2 years ago

that would actually be a really cool idea! make it an actual man page. i love the stuff you've put on your website btw and i haven't even had the time to check out everything

quΓ© lindo sitio! <3
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klaex 2 years ago

muchas gracias :) me gustan mucho los patrones que tienen tus dibujos!

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been wanting to update my website but I'm waiting until I've built up something with some actual substance :^)
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just wanted to say that the "geocities finds" link on your linkroll has become some other content entirely :^)
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internetbee 2 years ago

whoa! hey thanks so much for the heads-up, i will remove that one right away lmao

how did u make that art?
klaex 3 years ago

If you look for "ascii art" you'll find what you're looking for! The specific characters in mine are called block elements.

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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedSep 28, 2021
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