The web site of eveningbells

561 updates
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I love your work, keep shooting! Your most recent blog post touched a nerve. Perhaps its why people like you and I are drawn to photography in the first place, the desire to leave something behind... Your photos of Tulsa are deeply nostalgic for me, I have fond memories of driving my old Jetta down the 412 to see shows at Cains years ago... Next time you find yourself in the DMV/DC, give me a ring.
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eveningbells 12 months ago

I absolutely will! I'd love to hang with some photography peeps. I think you are absolutely right about what draws me to photography, especially analog. Having some physical representation of my experience versus a digital one appeals to me in a existential way, especially as a person who grew up with the early-ish internet.

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eveningbells 12 months ago

I have a lot of good memories at the Cain's, it warms my heart to hear others feeling the same way. Most of my first concerts were there.

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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedOct 31, 2021
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photography writing scifi