
797 updates
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vencake 2 years ago

Have you thought about making a tutorial page? I'd love one to see how you made some of these if you have time? xd

enflicted 2 years ago

The thought has actually crossed my mind, I used to do image tutorials back in the early days of DeviantArt. I'll definitely consider a spot for tutorials! =)

paintkiller 2 years ago

What’s his name? :)

1 like
enflicted 2 years ago

You know i wracked my brain trying to think of one and I can't lol. However, he does give me Sam Sheepdog vibes for some reason. Don't know if i'm sold on the name Sam though.

enflicted 2 years ago

Thank you for the recent follows, if I missed a button, let me know!

paintkiller 2 years ago

Glad to hear you're alive and well as can be. \m/

paintkiller 2 years ago

Definitely feel you on the general sentiment of people seeming to not care about anyone or anything other than themselves. Very sad and frustrating.

enflicted 2 years ago

It is, I try and make sense of it, but at the end of the day, I waste my mental capacity. Such is life though, you never know what someone is going through on an given day.

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I'm a little curious, anyone willing to share what they use as an editor for their site?
pagespages 2 years ago

My site is pure HTML edited directly in Neocities, I know your site is more advanced though.

arkmsworld 2 years ago

I use Notepadd++ for all my Web coding.

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renkotsuban 2 years ago

I use Atom, though I read that the project will be sunsetting soon so I may switch over to Notepad++.

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vencake 2 years ago

visual studio code

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paintkiller 2 years ago

I’m editing directly in Neocities s as well.

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warp-zone 2 years ago

Visual studio code is fantastic!

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enflicted 2 years ago

Awesome! I myself haven't tried using the in-site editor, web editors feel clunky to me. I've also tried atom, but couldn't get used to it! I do use Notepad++ but only for quick editing, since it's so easy to right-click>edit right from the mouse. But for main editing, and entire site i use VSCodium, basically Microsofts Visual Studio but without all the telemetry/tracking.

vencake 2 years ago

visual code studio you go to settings>preferences>telemetry settings>off

1 like
enflicted 2 years ago

@vencake I've done that, it's sorta like a placebo, but visual studio still phone's home to Microsoft, it pretty much acts the same as Windows 10 privacy settings, yea you can turn those switches to off, but it still collects and sends data. I may be over doing it with a tinfoil hat mindset though.

Hi! I really enjoyed looking through your site!
enflicted 2 years ago

Thank you =) I just checked yours out, and it's great! love the custom mouse, and colors


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CreatedNov 19, 2021
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