
803 updates
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cabbagesorter 6 months ago

I get on you on having a sour taste in your mouth after people leave with no explanation, it always bugs me as well :'). I know that people "don't owe anyone anything" but in a way that kind of dampens the feeling of a community...

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pip-pepping 6 months ago

On folks leaving without much notice: for me I wouldn't describe the feeling as sour, but I am left with the feeling of wanting to know "what happened?!" This is a thing I feel a lot when seeing abandoned sites of not just friends, but strangers as well. On a more positive note, I wish you and your fam luck with your moving plans!

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vencake 6 months ago

Your entries are always so real & based dude

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divergentrays 6 months ago

You're back! I'm always so excited to see an update from you! Good to hear that everything is going well and GOOD LUCK on all the clearing out and renovating.

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enflicted 6 months ago

@cabbagesorter, It does dampen that sense of community! I do understand, that people's live change, and things happen. It is what is I suppose. (I know a lot of people hate that saying)

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enflicted 6 months ago

@pip exactly! I always feel like I was left out of "what happened". And thank you! So far our moving plans have gone smoothly.

enflicted 6 months ago

@vencake haha I appreciate it. I try and keep it real, Never thought the crap I posted was based, but hell I'll take it! <3

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enflicted 6 months ago

@divergentrays aw I appreciate you, I do check in on neocities from time to time, even though I don't update, I do enjoy your updates so much. and thank you for the good luck, we will need it!

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futureperfect 6 months ago

Hey brother. I haven’t been on here in ages. Glad to see your update as part of my “return.” I, too, have kiddos and life is chaos with only bits of down time. I hope to update my site soon and get back into it a bit. Glad you’re doing well.

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enflicted 6 months ago

@futureperfect always awesome to see you my friend. Life's crazy with kids yea? I look forward to see your updates, glad you're still around, like me lol

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedNov 19, 2021
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