unfortunately, catbox is currently down!! this means that most pages have invisible images/backgrounds... sorry for the misfortune, hopefully all will be well soon!!!!
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i LOVE ths site!!! make sure to fix up the navigation links when you're done, btw!! (tip: you can just put the /link without having to change it if you didnt delete the notfound file!!)
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sososoooo!! currently tearing apart the site to make something even BETTER!! but dont worry, any feedback will be taken to heart still!! if you liked something about the old version, keep an eye out for my inbox, which i will add to the site after renovations are made!!!
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or, * { image-rendering: pixelated; } - sorry for the late response & if this isn't what you were looking for, feel free to email me at humansongs@proton.me if you need any more help
Omggg tysm ^.^