Draggian Universe

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The "reaction video" is up in audio-only form. If you want to know what voice you're supposed to read my text in, or watch me ripping Ronnie a new one with facts, logic, and citations from the slimeboy himself, inquire therein.
draggianuniverse 5 months ago

I actually really enjoyed this format, so I might play with doing more audio content. Part of it is the gender euphoria of hearing my T voice on recording and being like "yeah that's what I'm supposed to sound like".

hey kids, do you like violence? popular monster 2024 review is up. it's bad.
draggianuniverse 5 months ago

I was gonna record a reaction video for you as a treat (which ended up being an hour and 17 minute lecture interspersed with yelling at Ronald) but ended up having some issues with OBS because my screen was too big. only the corner of my screen was visible which isn't really helpful for going frame by frame though videos and pulling up sources and stuff. I might see if it's salvageable audio only as a podcast thing.

marshmellosucks 5 months ago

figured it would be shit, nice to know it is

Brace for impact. It's 6 in the morning, Nobody Likes Me is stuck in my head, I had a "dream" about some sort of cringe blog describing EE, and there's a nonzero chance the "new" "album" won't actually come out today (or at all), but there's a nonzero chance it will and this is gonna suck.
I've noticed a disturbing trend in the space of Falling In Reverse discourse, so I decided to write up this PSA about it. (Yes, I'm aware that none of you are concerned much about FIR except via me, and I have little reach, but I had to say something.) I don't know if I'll keep it up on the website, but I felt like I needed to put it somewhere.
draggianuniverse 5 months ago

It's not on the Music Scene Hub because that's where I put analysis and special interesty stuff. I use the Emosexual Manifesto color scheme for pages all about my personal scene opinions and calls to action.

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CreatedMar 25, 2021
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