Draggian Universe

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I've noticed a disturbing trend in the space of Falling In Reverse discourse, so I decided to write up this PSA about it. (Yes, I'm aware that none of you are concerned much about FIR except via me, and I have little reach, but I had to say something.) I don't know if I'll keep it up on the website, but I felt like I needed to put it somewhere.
draggianuniverse 5 months ago

It's not on the Music Scene Hub because that's where I put analysis and special interesty stuff. I use the Emosexual Manifesto color scheme for pages all about my personal scene opinions and calls to action.

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Thanks for the follow!
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your layout's really cool, but FYI, none of the links or the scroll bar on your left side seem to work? Firefox on Windows 10 to whom it may concern
cupofdirtfordinner 5 months ago

it sounds like "broken on firefox" msg doesnt work either x3 i'll fix both a lil later <3 ty!!

The FIR disclaimer / Fuck Falling In Reverse pages weren't updated because of any new Ronnie Nonsense. He hasn't gotten notably worse since June. What they were updated for was that his Instagram mysteriously vanished, so links to his video against me were changed to a Catbox backup of it for preservation.
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Last updated 6 minutes ago
CreatedMar 25, 2021
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