cosmic soup

156 updates
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feeling a little restless regarding my layout and all that... i think i might move navigation to be vertical on the left and do a new background image (hand drawn?? unsure) and stuff??? idk!!
cosmicsoup 2 years ago

also not sure i'm loving the pixel art title thing... i'm a very soft person and that is so not reflected in that...

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watching some of your videos right now and feeling very at peace... they're so lovely!!
lazybones 2 years ago

thank you! :)

1 like
cosmicsoup 2 years ago

finally updated!!! made a "projects" page and added a current sewing project. wanting to add some mail art stuff in there too. very excited! still haven't made an about page, but oh well...

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it's been so long! oh no! but i'll be updating today!! have new stuff to share!!
cosmicsoup 2 years ago

okay so i did not update today... but soon...

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i keep deleting comments instead of replying to them i don't know why but the placement of the delete button is just... not intuitive to me...
noodledesk 2 years ago

same!! i've done this before too 😿

thanks for the follow! I really like the stream of consciousness style of your diary!
cosmicsoup 2 years ago

thank you!!!

made myself an 88x31 button! it's on my links page! if anybody has advice on how to make those i feel like mine is kinda jenky and might want to try to make a nicer looking one at some point...
cosmicsoup 2 years ago

currently playing a fun game called why isn't it showing up is it showing up for other people pls lmk if you can see it i don't know what i did wrong

formerly found at ooey gooey patooey but now cosmic soup... hello again!

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Last updated 10 months ago
CreatedAug 11, 2022
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personal books journal sewing