c o r r x p t e d

392 updates
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corrxpted 3 years ago

wowowowowoowowowowowowoowowow clic anywhereeeee

1 like
corrxpted 3 years ago

give me your feedback (:

1 like
corrxpted 3 years ago

Add sounds + secret achievement ;)

corrxpted 3 years ago

I should send a message to Cassdy4 now

1 like
Todolist: put some music, add an achievement for skybox, put "a" tags in menu, do blog about pixel, learn how to create a reddit post with pics
corrxpted 3 years ago

add send message to Cassdy4

hoylecake 3 years ago

yeah dont forget to send a message to Cassdy4

I wrote a blog about you -> go down :) I created my website after discovering yours
remember to send a message to Cassdy4
reminder: send message to Cassdy4
cool website !
1 like
wilton 3 years ago

thank you :)

my eyeeees heeeeelp <3
buttonwall 3 years ago

am i that beautiful?

1 like
do you have an 88x31 button?
corrxpted 3 years ago

Not yet but I think about doig a little version of 'corruption' :) do you have one ?

corrxpted 3 years ago

wow lets be part of this buttonwall

hoylecake 3 years ago

yes i do! it's a little bit outdated tho... im remaking it

corrxpted 3 years ago

Tell me when your are done, I will gladly add you in my site somewhere

Website Stats

Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedNov 18, 2020
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3d js art game programming