Did the same with my 3DS a few weeks ago and I definitely agree, I'm having the time of my life on the DS port of Plants vs. Zombies
PvZ for the DS defined my childhood you have good taste. I also modded my 3ds a a few years ago and its probably the best and easiest handheld to mod of all time, I still enjoy it from time to time
I saw some gameplay of no more heroes and the art style looks very unique I might check it out
Windwaker, Twilight Princess. Zombi-U is pretty fun. The Last Story, Super Mario Galaxy. Ocarina and Majora if you can add virtual console stuff.
Yes it is getting modded. I already installed Super Mario Galaxy thats probably the next game I'll play. I'll probably check out those other games thanks for the suggestions
I also made another old map that I made a blog post about available for download on planet minecraft https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/kill-craft-6244948/
glad u could enjoy it!!