You are going to block this site. This will do the following:
- You will no longer see this site in searches.
- Site will no longer see your site in searches.
- Site will not be able to comment on your site profile.
- Any comments this site has posted to your profile will not be displayed.
Are you sure you want to do this?
tampermonkey is a good stepping-off point for scripts in general, simple translate is basic but effective, sponsorblock ghostery and adnauseam are all good for removing ads and stuff, and i like enhancer for youtube for more customization
Thx Mr Pibb those are all really great suggestions. I already use sponsor block and tamper monkey for some osu stats plugin I use but I'll check out the others
def put ublock orgin
stylus is also nice if you wanna change a sites look/add a dark theme if it doesnt have one