the angel's den

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really like your interests page! each entry is so fun to dive into and its fun just seeing other ppls excitement. that pond trail looks *amazing*!
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ancientangel333 10 months ago

thank you!!! yes i really need to go back to the pond, it was so damn cool....

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lovely site! your nature page is so peaceful <3 love all the photos you've included! really lets the natural energy come through in this digital space
ancientangel333 10 months ago

eeee thank you so much!! i really did want to kind of bring that feeling of serenity i feel in nature to that page, i'm glad it came through <333

i love your website, the colors are so nice! feeling inspired by your cooking page... me and my roommate are both deathly afraid of cooking meat but we've been trying hard to get more into cooking ^_^
ancientangel333 10 months ago

eeee thank you so much!! also i feel you about being scared to cook meat! i try my hardest but it's still either a hit or miss when it comes to steak doneness..... u__u

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i found your website on tumblr and oh my god.... it is so inspiring and beautiful, literally goals. my favorite website ever <333
good lord i accidentally deleted the lovely comment you left me as i was replying *crying* THANK YOU very much for the visit! i had a nice time visiting your site as well!! i been getting a bit into cooking recently so i hope to learn a few things from your cooking page :]
ancientangel333 10 months ago

eeee thank you so much!! i'm glad you enjoyed the cooking page, it's been my favorite page to work on since starting my site <333

finally made a links page because i have way too many bookmarks on my computer that yall need to see

Website Stats

Last updated 6 months ago
CreatedMar 6, 2021
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art blog personal nature cooking