the angel's den

1,898 updates
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can someone tell me if they see the correct font on all of my pages? just trying to see if it's a neocities issue or something on my browser issue
saturn7 8 months ago

could be wrong but everything seems right

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badgersaurus 8 months ago

looks good here too i think !

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ancientangel333 8 months ago

on my end the thoughts, shrines, links, and about me pages look good. it's the home and interests pages that look off

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wow, logged on today and my site's got 10k views! to be fair, probably a good 3k of those are me. but thank you to everyone who has decided to stop by and look around, i extremely appreciate it <333
update: BLINKIE EXPLOSION!!! in a new area is up and running!!!!!! it should not have taken me so long to figure out but i did it!
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doing some maaaajor changes to the layout and pages to the site, so i'm sorry for the mess! trying to make the content in the sidebars for each page a little more unique to the page, so BLINKIE EXPLOSION will be gone for awhile until i figure out how to do this thing i want to put them in.......

Website Stats

Last updated 6 months ago
CreatedMar 6, 2021
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