The web site of analexrujamoment

750 updates
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Screw you, I'm stealing that Doobie Mario award idgaf. I don't have forever to wait for you to tell me the arcane secrets of the Mario so I'm just gonna fraud.
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doobie-mario 8 months ago

its ok i already approve your site :-)

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doobie-mario 8 months ago

srry for the late response bcs uhh evil brother problems (so relatable)

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I'm currently working on a super duper mega ultra motherfuckingly amazingly great review about all of SOAD's studio releases. Its gonna take me probably another week to get it done so in the meantime mind yo bussyness
based doom font
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To be honest, I don't think that it is bad that Postal "lost" most of it's edge over the years. It just went from being an outlet of violence and edge to an outlet of violence and satire (if you can even call it that), which sorta helps distinguish the games apart from one another.
analexrujamoment 8 months ago

What mosly pisses me off is the fact that instead pf just fixing Postal 3, they just threw it in the trash, made fun of it, burned it and made more fun of it and now they're "trying" to forget about it.

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g0thk1d 7 months ago

That's for true!

Answer me COWARD
doobie-mario 8 months ago

srry for the late response i was doing my doobie mario activities

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analexrujamoment 8 months ago

I lied when I said I didn't have things to say about the album. I was just sloppy & lazy.

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Tell me how I can win a Doobie Mario™ award. I need this for my website. I have to make it BETTER.
you seem so cool
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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedJun 20, 2023
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videogames blog music garbage comedy