The web site of analexrujamoment

750 updates
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Also I would like to thank you for 905 views! Not sure if I really should feel something about this but I sure do.
Oops it appears that I have made some dumb formatting mistakes in on of my NIN album reviews. I will do better next time.
bro don't thank me because you have a beautiful website dood, thank yo self
1 like
Yo this shit is awesome
1 like
grumpycyclops 11 months ago

Ayy thank you dude!

1 like
I will need a bit more time to work on the muzix talk page as I still need to write everything for everything thats on there so please have a little patience if your a recurring viewer.
Holy fuck I'm getting the views

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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedJun 20, 2023
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videogames blog music garbage comedy