The web site of analexrujamoment

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Did another playthrough, this time on Lucid Nightmare
dann 6 months ago

Nice! That was one of my favorites. It was originally for a community project, but then I added some more difficulty and released it as a stand alone

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I'm glad you somehow liked my playthrough. Will definitely check out the rest of your mods tonight if I have the time :)
i fell into temptation and did an entire playthrough of your A.I.A mod for Doom 2.
dann 6 months ago

I was dying at the death in Map03 after you punched out everyone, and then an imp got you when you picked up health. Great stuff so far. Im going to keep watching

dann 6 months ago

"I hope there's no level with all revenants"...uh oh

dann 6 months ago

Okay, this is the highlight of 2024. The 3 health on Map10 was such an unfortunately situation. I knew the final map was going to be epic based on your prior comments, so that paid off. Thanks for taking the time to play it. I should probably update the Doom page with the latest now.

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Ok lemme y'all something funny. Tonight I have managed to record a lil' over an hour of gameplay of Dannarchy's Doom 2 mod called A.I.A (Episode 1) and when I tried to upload the video on Youtube my fucking router and modem stopped working, like twice, cuz whenever I try to do something network intensive like seeding torrents or (in this case) upload a video the fucking router (& modem) just stopped. Fuck Digi man.
Mr. Lehr I just want to thank you for your work done on Project Warlock cuz holy shit you managed to elevate a decent game into GOTY tier for me ❤️
analexrujamoment 6 months ago

The OST was so good on that game that I had to convert YT videos to mp3 in order to have those songs on the go, like seriously they're great ❤️

jlehr 6 months ago has them free :)

jlehr 6 months ago

Also thank you a lot for the kind words. They did want a lot of tracks and somehow that only took me half a year!

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jlehr 6 months ago

I only wish more people played it ;)

Danny i swear to god DO NOT tempt me into a fully recorded playthrough of your silly WADs
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dann 6 months ago

I've never been one to be a good influence.

How tf has my website gotten past 6k views? Y'all still take the time out of your day to check this stupid fucking shit on the regular nowadays? God damn❤️

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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedJun 20, 2023
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videogames blog music garbage comedy