My dodge truck is street legal again. I drove it to work today. Still not completely finished yet
Fuses blew about a month after the truck was wrecked. It didn't like sitting and the battery started going dead. When the radio quit working was when the truck started to run bad and was smoking bad until it wouldn't even run. The transmission stopped shifting out of park and all things electrical went haywire.
The closer i got to getting it driveable the better it started acting. When i drove it on the street it started acting right.
This has happened to me occasionally; the oneupsmanship in your account is hilarious XD
Damn! I'm sorry. I don't know what to do about that. I use a MacBook Air and it works fine, but that's no help to you. I'll try it in Windows and see what happens. Thank you for letting me know.
I thin I've fixed that. I apologize. Thank you for calling my attention to that.
I'm not the creator of the website but I think its just part of the overall shop based aesthetic of the website I think they're free : )
Congratulations for your repair of the Dakota! I can imagine your satisfaction. Will you replace the Corolla's rear tires soon?
Thanks. I will put all new tires on the corolla sometime before winter. I have a few spare tires i am going to use until then.