Wraith Glade: The Intersection of Creativity, Nature, and the Mind

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Happy Thanksgiving everyone! By the way, I've also decided to broaden my 75% off code to now support all items in my online catalog until December 6th at midnight. Use code WG_THANKS if you want to apply it. I hope my work on my site (whether free or paid) adds some value to your lives somehow! 🦃🎁💞
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I've been extremely frustrated with the lack of traction in my life lately. I've been making enormous amounts of efforts to change my circumstances for literally years and yet still continue to get almost nothing in return. I am sick of the internet (and life) feeling so utterly rigged and seemingly engineered. How about you guys? Of course, as far as I know 95%+ of you could be bots or just random view numbers.
eastathenaeum 3 months ago

You're not alone in that. Today in fact, I actually caught the words slip out of my mouth, "I shouldn't have to fight this hard." I gave up on the concept of saving money years ago and feel the same way towards it.

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wraithglade 3 months ago

Thanks eastathenaeum. It's always good to hear from you. Here's to hoping that we'll both find more sustainable means somehow soon then! 🥂🎨📚 (Oh, and happy thanksgiving to you! 🦃)

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Hey, I like your "MegaCollection" page. It's a good collection of retro game recommendations (I especially like original Doom 1/2 personally and even made a level for Doom 2 a long while back) and the utility links are also great as well! Nice work on all that! 🎮🎯😎
Just as promised yesterday in my log, I've also released my other published book (this time a small and very accessible and easy to read book on game development insights) to the public via my site. This one costs almost nothing: just $1! Fellow aspiring game devs will find it quite useful I think! 🎮😎
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I released another major project today: an 800+ page research book that I wrote back in 2018 is now available DRM-free as PDFs! This book I wrote actually briefly became a #1 New Release back in 2018 on one of the largest book retailers in the world! It is the single greatest accomplishment I've ever created in my life. There is a ton of value there for anyone who likes logic and/or math! It's full of surprises! 🎁
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The day has come! I've finally released my new indie creator license agreement template and it is now available to the public! If you are interested in selling your creative work online then it could be very useful for you and save a lot of time! Use discount code NEOFRIENDS to get 75% off! (Unforunately, I'm living on my savings and need income and can't continue offering all my stuff for free.) Thanks for visiting!

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Last updated 4 weeks ago
CreatedNov 18, 2023
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programming videogames gamedev writing books