Wraith Glade: The Intersection of Creativity, Nature, and the Mind

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It's been a while since my last update (~9 days) but I posted a brief update on what I'm up to today, one focused on the usual for me lately: trying to find a sustainable way forward for my life and creativity. 🍀
Okay, your pixel sculptures are amazing. I love the pseudo-staircase in particular- it's captivating because of that internal glow. It looks like it feels like a slightly soft candle.
wraithglade 3 months ago

Thanks! It's always good to get feedback and support! I've been somewhat stuck on a creative rut these past couple weeks, as well as attending to other things (like the upcoming xmas season). I've been thinking of doing more of those sculptures though. I am interested in so many creative mediums, but my life stresses cause a bit of mental block currently. Hopefully I'll get through that soon. Thanks again!

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I've made the hardcover version of my greatest creation in my life so far (my Unified Logic book) available directly from the printing company (IngramSpark). Getting it directly saves on expenditures quite a lot compared to getting it from Amazon. Also, this is the largest gap between log updates ever yet in the site's history, by the way.
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Your "Open Design Foundary" icons sets are nicely elegant. Good work on those! (assuming you created them)
I've posted a 100% free hotkey memorization self-quizzing Anki card deck for Aseprite's hotkeys to my creations page. Aseprite is by far the most popular pixel art editing program and pixel art is popular in this community and so those of you who like using or creating pixel art may benefit from it to speed up your workflow over the long term. I hope you find it helpful. 🎨😎
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Last updated 4 weeks ago
CreatedNov 18, 2023
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