The Lesser Word - Sanity Restoring Books

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thelesserword 8 months ago

My doc is about to hit 19000 words. Maybe I could still publish if I claim the editor's version more polished than the Neocities release. With a bit of Marketing magic, maybe I could be convinced to buy that which I myself should do for free: writing.

thelesserword 8 months ago

Still, a book's only worth buying if it's helpful. Some authors claim that morals are unnessecary for a good story, but if morals aren't there then what else should a story convey? Write is right, what are you writing? Well this here's enough rambling from me. God be with.

thelesserword 8 months ago

Wait, nevermind. I'm back for more. Growing up, I wanted to be a Youtuber... a gaming Youtuber. So like, share, and subscribe if you wish to see more. Bleh, it's corporate jargon now, but back then, we really meant it. For any creator, it's edifying, knowing that something you made could have affected someone positively in some way. It's a shame that those days, the 2010s, have passed to corporate plans.

thelesserword 8 months ago

It's not like corporations are inherently bad though. It's just the way things are. A creation starts off good, but time corrupts as the Devil gets his hands in it. Every "evil" corporation today started with a good mission. One may probably guess why they removed those missions from their portfolio. When one no longer has to be responsible to what they promised under God, they can just do whatever they want.

thelesserword 8 months ago

Nothing lasts forever though, and, I'll confess that I wait with a bit of excitement for the day when the major companies of my day collapse. When they go down, I wonder who shall go up. Same companies, same things, but if we get something new, then we'll have new companies and new things. This should be all now. I've got to eat, since it's St. Peter and Paul's feast day. God be with.


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