3 blog updates I put off dropping here: https://starlitseas.neocities.org/tpatablog
unsure how it stalls updating but updated the characters and gallery 1 with more girl mcs.
Added a new section (likely the last one as I wanted a section for comics, art, and short stories). It has flash fiction from September 2021 when I first started using Twtr: https://starlitseas.neocities.org/bluerizeshorts
just clarified that it's the first DIGITAL comic i've ever done, not the first comic ever, lol. i remember in the '00's wanting to ask for copic markers and planning to SCAN comics (which i never wound up doing).
I've found Antonio Chandrani-Rivera's dream blog that says it's written in the year 2005. However, it's the year 2024. He has a poll that needs answering and I'm his djinn's supposed acolyte: https://www.tumblr.com/antonio-chandranis-dream-blog/747471428242358272/todays-dream