Retro Games Radpage by MSX_POCKY

819 updates
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I'm thinking I may stop the weekly reviews thing. I've been doing some thinking and I think the continuous deadline is piling up unnecessary stress on myself, plus it's also limiting what I play since I need to play things I can beat in under a week. Moving forward I think the new schedule will just be adding reviews as I complete games at my own pace. This way I can also tackle some lengthier TBS and CRPG games
radpage 11 months ago

I want to keep up regular updates however so I'm intending to start a blog page on my site I can keep posting to during any lulls in review output. I think this is the best way to keep content creation up but also mind my mental health.

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedFeb 27, 2023
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videogames retrogames reviews pcgaming mobilefriendly