Paddy Agius

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paddyagius 2 years ago

New essay, perhaps better suited to the sensibilities of NeoCities users. This is about ClassicsOfGame, a weird little YouTube channel that I love, and about the sorts of surrealism and subjectivity that video games are capable of communicating.

There's no new piece from me today, although I said I would be posting something every Saturday, because I have a piece coming out in tomorrow's issue of Brilliant Corners. The piece is called "Oxymoron: A Philosophy of History in Avant-Garde Jazz". I won't be hosting the thing on my website, but when it drops I will put a link to the Substack on the main Writing Pieces page.
paddyagius 2 years ago

Something about identity and film acting, which is a really weird cultural phenomenon when you think about it. Examples from The Godfather, Synecdoche, New York, and Chris Marker's Sans Soleil (one of my favourite films)

paddyagius 2 years ago

I felt like I ought to resist the urge to talk about Borges *yet again*, but Averroes Search was almost discussed here. We take for granted how weird it is that everyone thinks it's normal that someone's job can be pretending to be someone else for art's sake.

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CreatedJan 3, 2021
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writing music essays film philosophy