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sisterdiecutsitsathome 3 weeks ago

the entire concept of a 'worksona' still puzzles me even if I can see how it can be helpful or even necessary to prevent burnout... there have def been jobs I've had in the past where it's been difficult to 'turn it on/off' when on the clock. maybe we all could all have benefitted from being in theater as children

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manulzone 3 weeks ago

@sisterdiecuts I don't personally ascribe to the worksona mindset bc it sounds cutesy to me, but (I'm repeating myself, apologies), it really feels like the private/public self dichotomy trying to reestablish itself to some degree? It seems it is expected of many people to share the minutiae of their privacy on things such as "reels" (they can just not do this but act like they don't have a choice).

manulzone 3 weeks ago

@sisterdiecuts but having a pro forma self might reestablish some of these barriers? Taking back agency. Or something! I guess I am a proponent of the non personal yet plesant social interaction. But then again if all you do is work and you work impersonally, there's not much space left to bloom in the meager free time.. and you risk feeling like a non person

manulzone 3 weeks ago

(btw i hope this doesn't come off as trying to explain something you already understand to you, it's just me trying to sort out my thoughts thru writing)

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manulzone 3 weeks ago

@sisterdiecuts I wanted to add that "maybe we all could all have benefitted from being in theater as children" is an amazing thing to write and it is making me think a lot

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