KFCMan's Odd Corner of the Internet

583 updates
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Why is it that whenever I click on the "activity" tab I ALWAYS a site that I end up following? I just did that a few minutes ago and found THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF THE GUY WHO MADE BAD END THEATHER!
kunfucutsman 3 weeks ago

He also made a little game called "Drowning, Drowning" which I played a while back and didn't realize it was his

New post! I am soo glad to have made my site so that I can expose my thoughts to people!
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kunfucutsman 4 weeks ago

I decided to change the codeblocks I use for my blog posts to a theme called "fruity", which apparently uses orange and blue so it fits my style :P. Also I added a rudimentary copy content button

kunfucutsman 1 month ago

New quiz result. You cannot defeat me >:D

I've noticed there are no megaman webrings yet? Should I make one then? Maybe I could call it "WebRing Man's Ring" or something like that
kunfucutsman 1 month ago

Just moved some images around so they're located in the same folder as the page they're used in

I like your site. You have an new follower :p
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nyanfiles 1 month ago

back at u ๐Ÿ˜‡

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedJul 24, 2024
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