Frisout's Corner

7,135 updates
1 tips
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fluffyhyena 4 years ago

Duuude it's shaping up niiice!

1 like
frisout 4 years ago

Thank youu!! ^-^

How can I make secret hidden pages if this activity feed automatically shows it when I update any page >.<
1 like
fluffyhyena 4 years ago

Oh boy, same.

1 like
I can finally write here! ^-^ oh boy but what do I write? o.o
1 like
frisout 4 years ago

Guess I can start actually making a good website rather than my test page :3c

frisout sent a $2.00 tip to fluffyhyena
4 years ago
fluffyhyena 4 years ago

This is so out of the blue but I can't thank you enough ;v;

1 like
frisout 4 years ago

Hey! I just really enjoyed your site and you clearly put a lot of work into it. I still had $2 stuck in my paypal wallet I didn't know what to do with so.. ^-^ no need to thank meee!! keep up the adorable work ^-^

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Website Stats

Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedJan 15, 2020
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