The Era of Antares

68 updates
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So, question. Two, actually: How do you post images on your website? Do you need an image hosting service? Also, how do you center text in the middle of the page? Okay, that was 3 questions.... ^_^
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karasuchan 1 year ago

Neocities allows you to upload images, so no need for a image hosting service 😊

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karasuchan 1 year ago

If you want more help feel free to contact me by email, it’s kind of hard to do in the comments πŸ˜…

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era-of-antares 1 year ago

Dang, I need to explore this website more, I totally missed being able to upload images here.... XD Thank you so much for offering to help! I'll drop you a line sometime soon. ^_^

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I believe in u!!!!!!!! You're gonna make this site so rad, I can just sense it :D
era-of-antares 1 year ago

^O^ You are too kind! Thank you for believing in me!! I can't get over how awesome people are on this website! I'm feeling less & less anxious about making my page. ^_^

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Hullo. I like the colours of the website so far. If you like, need help or anything, don't be afraid to reach out. The community here can help you with a bunch of stuff. :-)
era-of-antares 1 year ago

Thank you!! I feel so welcome here. This is such a positive website. ^-^ I'm planning on asking soon! Now if I could just get help for my brain. x.x; Lol.

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Thank you so so much for following me! I really love & enjoy your page, it's so beautiful! ^_^
karasuchan 2 years ago

Thank you! I am looking forward to seeing what you do with your site!

Thank you so much for following me! Making this newcomer feel welcome. ^_^
purplehello98 2 years ago

Welcome to NeoCities! :D I'm excited to see what your site will become!

I've been having health issues that have been hindering me from working on my website as much as I would like. However, that hasn't stopped me from coming up with ideas for it. I'm currently hunting ideas & inspiration, many outside of Neocities, so never fear. :D I'm completely new to this sort of thing, even back during Geocities & Angelfire, I never made a page from scratch. Epic journies begin with a small step!
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yay welcome :DD
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era-of-antares 2 years ago

Thank you!!! :D I can comment now, yay!!!

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CreatedJan 7, 2023
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