Thank you so much!! Things are steadily getting better. ^^ And thank you for having so much faith in me, that motivates me to not give up and throw this aside forever. I almost have a few times, too.
So, again I'm putting off this website, but it's for a very beneficial reason. I'm not going to feel bad or frustrated about it this time... LOL. My mother actually came home from the hospital today, everything is inconclusive and she will likely have to go back, but everything points to there finally being a light at the end of the tunnel. Both of my parents are in their 70s, so yeah, just how that goes....
This is for much later down the road, but I do plan on eventually opening an Etsy store. I've dabbled in all kinds of different forms of art including painting, scrapbooking/junk journaling, and even making jewelry. I feel Neocities is a much much better platform for increasing visibility of that sort of thing. Thoughts? Opinions? Have any experience with that?? Do tell!!!!:D Any little bit would help.
might be federiedederi? they started unfollowing people so they were reported and their site was taken down.
I kinda remember that page.... It sounds familiar. Unfortunately, the person who unfollowed me was someone who still has their page. :/ Disappointing, but not much I can do. I just wished them well, seems like they're having a tough time, too.
Awesome. ^o^ May I add you sometime? I rarely add people but I'm in the market for some new people to chat with, I'm kinda on the outs with someone on there. :/ Not to sound pitiful. Lol.
A lot of individuals are just incapable of getting a hold of themselves. I've learned to tolerate insufferable people because I'm around them all the time and I never say a word (selectively mute down to my core). Can't give any reasonable advice on this as I really have the same problem but I do echo your sentiment. Hope things are going well for you.
You sound alot like me as far as the selectively mute thing goes, unfortunately in my case that seems to be what draws people to me, oddly. And/or it triggers them. I struggle to shut it out as a result; their goal is to prevent me from doing so? That, sadly, ties into a new problem I'm having.....Sigh. New status on that soon. But np on the advice thing, just hearing me out helps immensely!! Thank you so much. ^-^
I don’t own an Etsy store, but from what I’ve heard Etsy takes a fair bit out of the money, which is part of why prices can be really high. This is slightly old knowledge though, so it might have changed.
That's the most common thing I have heard as well. On the plus side, can you choose your prices? I have some seen some "junk journals" for example go up to 300 dollars..... Not that I think I would ask that much for my art, but dang. o.O;; Some seem to sell at that price, too!
BTW Lavenderblues, I could have sworn I was following you?? I am so sorry if I acidentally unfollowed you! T_T;;
No don’t worry! I deactivated my site profile so I’m not going to show up in any following/followers list until I reactivate it!
Ahh okay, good! I kinda figured, but I get paranoid.... ^.^;