Now Arriving at... Clover Atelier

737 updates
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Urgh, I don't mean to use the microblog too much, but my next update(s) are likely going to come in a larger burst next month. There's multiple pages I've been working on since releasing the refurb for my outgoing page (1.5... technically... of which being MORE refurbs...), and I actually want to release new stuff alongside these so I'm not solely retreading old ground >__> sorry if it takes a while!
cloveratelier 2 months ago

I also have a class starting up on Monday which I'm going to have to dedicate a bit of time to over the next few months to get ahead before my host uni's semester starts, so I'm not sure exactly when the next update will be. I'm hoping to have 'em all done by mid-March if I can, though.

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Last updated 5 days ago
CreatedJun 24, 2023
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personal writing fanfiction anime selfshipping