Bioinformatics Project Directory

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I miss the early 2000's and I agree with trends of the time. I was a teen transitioning into my 20's in that decade.
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youthculture2000 4 years ago

wow that's so awesome! we were just kids but we wanted to be teenagers so badly! do you have any special memories from that time?

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bioinformaticsproject 4 years ago

I remember Geocities was big at the time and the transition from Dial-up to DSL was big deal. The Internet back then was not invaded by Political rantings like today. The music was more real at the time because the fakeness of pop music was falling down in the early 2000's with Rob Thomas/ Matchbox 20 and Michelle Branch peaking in that time frame.

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bioinformaticsproject 4 years ago Here is the link about Geocities I miss the era of exploring peoples web art skills from the past too. Back then you really needed talent to run a site and good artistic skills, thank you for recognizing the good parts of the era.

thanks for following!
I Miss the early 2000's and I lived through that. You have some early 1990's references too.

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CreatedJul 16, 2020
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bioinformatics science