You are going to block this site. This will do the following:
- You will no longer see this site in searches.
- Site will no longer see your site in searches.
- Site will not be able to comment on your site profile.
- Any comments this site has posted to your profile will not be displayed.
Are you sure you want to do this?
I have posted a pretty long (at least 1 page) log entry going into my reasoning in greater depth. Boundary setting and standing on moral principle has become more important than ever in the past few years. I don't even feel like it is a "choice" anymore after what I stumbled upon today. I was apparently oblivous about to for a while. There is too much evidence of disingenous sophistry. My trust is about zeroed out.
A person should not have to repeatedly be forced to migrate from place to place just to even have their most basic human rights as creators and thinking people respected, but here we are. These past several years have truly shown people's real colors. The one upside of theft-based AI systems is that they have become a very telling litmus test for people's morality or lack thereof. Convenience never justifes theft.
On a more positive note though, this coming shift to new circumstances will enable yet more ground for expressing myself. In particular, it will become likely possible for me to implement my own suggestion of hosting a traditional forum, which is not possible really on Neocities. Other aspects of my outlook have also been improving lately in ways that matter, such sustaining and completing another creative project.
I think you're really misconstrueing what Kyle said about this. He was talking about malicious services that masquerade as "AI crawl defense." Check this thread:
Nah, I wasn't talking about that "AI crawl defense" stuff really. My decision to leave was more about his whole dismissive attitude towards all anti-AI people. I read a bunch of the related stuff and got bad vibes in several respects. Also, the expectation that web masters need to add AI exclusions to protect themselves remains quite morally backwards. One shouldn't need to tell every thief not to steal from oneself.