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I've been drawing a bunch of various poses today for when/if I need them, just various big scenes that need to come later in the story. I also tried working on Lera's room but my idea is HELLA laggy on my browser and idk why. All the similar examples run fine orz Also just finished dnd and want to make a character site heeyyyoooo. I made an artist(??) tumblr for logging more thoughts outside of dev (herebyhalfpint)
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wistaria 5 months ago

...aaaaaaand reserved halfpint for when I eventually want to make my own personal neocities that is genuinely cute. Unless the cyberpunk brainrot takes over. which is likely. One day I'll get around to making something genuinely cute without an ounce of spooky lol but today may not be that day

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Last updated 5 months ago
CreatedAug 15, 2024
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personal horror coding retro storytelling