When I Was a Child in Ferrol, Spain (1953-65)

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MESSAGE 2. *** Reminder *** Access webpage "Translation from Galician to English of more poems from Cantares Gallegos" via homepage Chapter 21 (revamped).
MESSAGE 1. I have uploaded poem #4 to "Translation from Galician to English of more poems from Cantares Gallegos." This poem is entitled, "Yet He Who One Day Loved True" (Mais ó que ben quixo un día).
MESSAGE 2. I have restored the Christmas carol audios of homepage Chapter 16, "The Radio."
MESSAGE 1. I have uploaded poem #3 to the webpage, "Translation from Galician to English of more poems from Cantares Gallegos." The poem is entitled, "I Say Nothing, But Really!" (Non che digo nada...!Pero vaia!). * Reminder * Access is via homepage Chapter 21.
I have simply erased a deprecated Youtube link in the home page, Chapter 16, "The Radio."
I have copied on Section 21 of the homepage, "When I Was a Child In Ferrol, Spain (1953-65)," the link/button to the webpage, "Translation from Galician to English of 4 Classic Emigration Ballads." The original link/button is found at the close of Section 12.

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Last updated 21 hours ago
CreatedJul 2, 2015
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history spain galicia